Terminal Simulator

Sass Code

  //    main.scss
  //        Author:         Jack
  //        Date:           2021-11-27 
  //        Last revised:   2021-11-27
  //        Description:    Styling for terminal sim
  // older browser compatibility
  header, section, footer, aside, nav, main, article, figure {
    display: block;
  * {
      box-sizing: border-box;
  body {
      margin: 0;
      content: "";
      clear: both;
      background: #313131;
      font-family: 'DM Mono', monospace;
      font-size: 18px;  
      position: absolute;
      top: 0;
      left: 0;
      min-width: 100%;
      min-height: 100%;
  .term {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  .term-outer {
    @extend .term;
    min-width: 600px;
    min-height: 400px;
    background: #ccc;
    animation-name: term-outer-zoom-in;
    animation-duration: 3s;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    .term-inner {
      @extend .term;
      opacity: 0;
      min-width: 95%;
      max-width: 95%;
      min-height: 90%;
      background: black;
      border: 5px inset #555;
      padding: 4px;
      color: #5cd35c;
      line-height: 1.3;
      word-break: break-all;
      animation-name: term-inner-fade-in;
      animation-delay: 2s;
      animation-duration: 1s;
      animation-fill-mode: forwards;
      &::before {
        content: "$> ";
  @keyframes term-outer-zoom-in {
    0% {
      opacity: 0;
      min-width: 2px;
      min-height: 2px;
    20% {
      opacity: 1;
      min-width: 2px;
      min-height: 2px;
    40% {
      min-width: 600px;
      min-height: 2px;
    50% {
      min-width: 600px;
      min-height: 2px;
    100% {
      border: .5px solid #5cd35c;
      min-width: 600px;
      min-height: 400px;
  @keyframes term-inner-fade-in {
    from {
      opacity: 0;
    to {
      opacity: 1;
  .cursor {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 8px;
    height: 18px;
    background: #5cd35c;
    animation-name: blink;
    animation-duration: 0.5s;
    animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    padding-top: 8px;
    position: relative;
    top: 3px;
    left: 0px;
  @keyframes blink {
    from {
      opacity: 0;
    to {
      opacity: 1;
  .jqueryCode {
    display: inline-block;
    background: #5cd35c;
    color: white;
    opacity: 0;
    border-radius: 50px;
    text-align: center;
    width: 200px;
    height: 75px;
    padding-top: 10px;
    cursor: pointer;
    animation-name: buttons-fade-in;
    animation-delay: 2s;
    animation-duration: 3s;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;

@keyframes buttons-fade-in {
    0% {
      opacity: 0;
      width: 4px;
      height: 4px;
      font-size: 0;
    30% {
      opacity: 1;
      width: 4px;
      height: 4px;
    40% {
      opacity: 1;
      width: 200px;
      height: 4px;
    60% {
      opacity: 1;
      width: 200px;
      height: 4px;
      font-size: 0;
    80% {
      font-size: 0;
    100% {
      opacity: 1;
      width: 200px;
      height: 40px;
      font-size: 1.1rem;
  header {
    width: 100%;
    height: 4rem;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    background: #5cd35c;
    color: white;
    font-weight: 100;
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 3.5rem;
    opacity: 0;
    animation-name: header-fade-in;
    animation-delay: 2s;
    animation-duration: 2s;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
  @keyframes header-fade-in {
    0% {
      opacity: 0;
      width: 4px;
      height: 4px;
      font-size: 0;
    30% {
      opacity: 1;
      width: 4px;
      height: 4px;
    40% {
      opacity: 1;
      width: 100%;
      height: 4px;
    60% {
      opacity: 1;
      width: 100%;
      height: 4rem;
      font-size: 0;
    90% {
      font-size: 3rem;
    100% {
      opacity: 1;
      width: 100%;
      height: 4rem;
      font-size: 3rem;
  button.home {
    position: fixed;
    right: 25px;
    bottom: 25px;
    border-radius: 50px;
    width: 75px;
    height: 75px;
    opacity: 0;
    border-width: 0;
    background: #5cd25c;
    color: white;
    font-size: 1.1rem;
    cursor: pointer;
    animation-name: home-button-fadein;
    animation-delay: 2s;
    animation-duration: 1.5s;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
  @keyframes home-button-fadein {
    from {
      transform: scale(0);
    to {
      opacity: 1;
      transform: scale(1);
  button.home:hover {
    transition: .5s;
    filter: brightness(120%);
  #btns {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-around;
    margin: auto;
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 100px;
    width: 900px;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translateX(-50%);