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CSCI 1720

Intermediate Web

Homework 0 - Come inside. Sit a spell...

Some time between now and this assignment's due date, stop by my office for a one-on-one visit. My office hours will be provided by our first class meeting

My 'official' office location is at Nicks Hall, Room 484. The office door will likely be closed. No problem! Just knock. As the sign says: 'If the light's burning...' I'll be in there

Also, with the office situation still up in the air, I've been scheduling office hours at the Brinkley Center for the past several semesters to ease the burden on you guys (and myself). Time and location will be TBA, but I'll spend a significant amount of my office time at the BC this semester

The visit should take around 10 minutes. Bring any questions you may have. Be prepared to answer some questions